Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine

LinekdIN Recruiter

LinekedIN has a really slow take-up in Ireland. Irish recruiters are only recently being less ‘glued’ to the traditional job boards like Irish Jobs, and started embracing into the modern recruitment methods. LinkedIN is the most common place all the recruiters went to in a search for a new candidates. The problem that happened is that at some stage every second Irish LinkedIN member was a recruiter! :)

The US corporate started publishing the jobs in Ireland. Up until the end of 2007, there was a handful of jobs advertised in Ireland in LinkedIN only. Today that number grows higher. For example today there is 37 jobs advertised in Ireland in LinkedIN. A closer inspection will reveal that almost a half of those jobs are not necessary based in Ireland actually. Compared to the Irish jobs boards that had tens of thousands of jobs published (duplicates, duplicates!!!), LinkedIN Jobs section really looks poor in Ireland.

But that did not stop LikedIN to start selling tools like LinkedIN Recruiter to the recruiters.

Will it change the habits of the Irish Recruiters, and make them use LinkedIN more as opposed to the CV databases for harvesting applicants? Monster has that nice feature where you get that email every morning with the latest CVs entered in the database that are relevant to your given keywords. To switch to LikedIN it would mean actively searching the LinkedIN Profiles. And those are not really compatible with the CV parsers. So it would require an ‘Active Recruiter’ searching for the ‘Passive Candidate’!

Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine SEO

Pay Per Click: Using Adwords effectively for recruitment websites

Using Google AdWords for your recruitment campaigns? Here are some basic tips in the article below. Use it as a checklist, to review what you are doing with our Google AdWords campaigns…

Why Use PPC?
When thinking about your online marketing portfolio have you ever considered Paid Search or “Pay Per Click” (PPC)? With the ever increasing competition to get you site on the first page of Google, Yahoo or Live Search for phrases like ‘architecture jobs’, ‘sales jobs’ or ‘marketing jobs’ PPC may seem like an attractive option; you can determine which keywords you want your PPC Ad to appear on, when and where you want your Ad to show and how much you want to spend per month with instant results. By following a few key guidelines you can really maximize the potential of your PPC campaign by generating quality CV’s at a low cost and low risk. You can also add tracking code so that the ROI from your PPC campaign is easily calculated, making PPC an effective and measurable marketing tool for your recruitment website.
Save money by spending time setting up your Campaign
Setting up a PPC campaign is easy but there are pitfalls to avoid. Too many people make the mistake of just adding the keywords and leaving the campaign to run ending up with a huge credit card bill and not much else to report. Remember that Google makes a substantial part of its revenue through Adwords!
So where do you start?
Thinking about your budget is a good place to start. The more money you spend, the more keywords you can bid on and therefore the more CV’s you can get. Once you have decided on your budget set your daily budget limit accordingly otherwise you could see a huge bill at the end of the month!
Writing a good Ad
Once you have decided on your budget you can start looking at what your target jobseekers or clients might search for e.g. “architecture jobs”, “social care recruitment”, “project manager jobs in London”; this will form your list of target keywords. Now you can start writing your Ad. Here the fun starts; you have got only 95 character spaces to create a compelling Ad that is going to entice a jobseeker to click on it – and not on your competitors! There are a few key rules to remember when writing your Ad:
• Make sure the keyword appears in the Ad; the words go bold and the job seeker will see that your site is relevant.
• Be creative in your writing; “apply for 100’s constructions jobs” sounds more enticing than “construction recruitment agency”.
• But also be specific; if you’re only recruiting for graduate positions you don’t want a senior professional clicking though as they are not going to apply for a job and you’ve just used up some of your budget.
• If you’re targeting a specific geographical area e.g. “surveying jobs in London” then say it. It means you’ll save money by only generating a targeted audience to your site.
• Give a call to action e.g. Submit your CV, Apply today! – this is ultimately what the jobseeker wants.
• Create multiple Ads, i.e. create a different Ad campaign for each of your sectors; if you’re a technical recruiter create an Ad campaign for architecture, another one for construction and so on.
And once a job seeker has clicked on the Ad think about where they end up…
• If your Ad is about engineering jobs, the jobseeker is expecting to find engineering jobs, so link your Ad through to the engineering jobs page not the home page.
…and what you want them to do when they get there
• Make sure that there are clear calls to action; register for a job / contact you / submit their CV so the chance of getting that CV is high.
How to make your money go further
It is worth checking your account settings before you set your new PPC campaign live. Think about when jobseekers are most likely to be searching for jobs; it is unlikely that at 4am you’re going to get many serious applications and if Monday to Friday is prime job seeking time do you want your ads appearing on Saturday? Also think about where you want your Ad’s to be displayed. By switching off the content network you can then focus on the real traffic and significantly decrease your susceptibility to click fraud. And if you want your job to display at or near the top of the sponsored listings alter you position preference so that you’re Ad’s display in the top 5.
Tracking / Reviewing / Testing / Tweaking
So how successful was your Ad? By adding the tracking code to the goal pages on your site e.g. your registration thank you page, you can determine how many CV’s you generated from your PPC campaign and the cost of each CV. Calculating your PPC ROI from there is very easy.
Feeling creative? Have another look at your Ad results, from here you can see which ads are generating a high number of jobseekers to the site or in technical jargon a high “click through rate“ (CTR) and which Ads are being displayed a lot (have a high number of “impressions”), but are not being clicked on. You can then try different Ad campaigns under the same keywords to see which one generates a higher CTR, or remove ones which are not generating much traffic. Through a bit of trial and error and monitoring your PPC performance you can tweak your campaign to have a higher spend in areas where you have the most jobs and on the best traffic converting key phrases. Linking Adwords into Google Analytics will give you even more data to play with.
With a bit of patience and tweaking your PPC campaign can be an effective marketing tool for your recruitment website, generating instant results at a high ROI which is all completely measurable and can be tailored to any budget.



If you use to find information about the interview, you will be simply amazed with the amount of the ‘suggestions’ you will get. There are whole sections of the the huge web sites dedicated to give you the endless tips and advices. This is a sample search result for the ‘interview’ from the web site (starting with the paid advertisements):

Sponsored Links

Job Interview Advice
Expert advice from Monster. Try an online virtual interview!

Excel at interview
Succeed at interviews and get that job. Interview coaching with expert

Interview Skills Course
Develops Winning Interview Skills Online Course For Jobseekers.

Hospitality Staff HR
Forms, Checklists & Articles From Interviews to Terminations

Behavioral Interviewing
Pre-written HR management training materials to teach interview skills
In Job Searching: “interview”

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 130,000

Interview and Networking Information
Interview tips, interview questions and answers, interview preparation and etiquette, post interview thank you letters and how to successfully career …

Interview Questions: Job Interview Questions and Answers
Job Interview Questions and Answers: Interview questions employers might ask during a job interview and sample answers. Includes sample interview questions …

Top 10 Interview Blunders
There are some things that you simply shouldn’t do on an interview. Here is a collection of interview blunders and mistakes to review, so, they don’t happen …

Job Interview Questions and Answers
Review these job interview questions and prepare your answers. Also be ready with questions for the interviewer – here’s a list.

Phone Interview Tips
Phone interview tips and techniques including how to prepare for a telephone interview, how to handle the interview, and how to follow up after interviewing …

Acing the Interview
You have just landed an interview for a seemingly wonderful job! Now what? Successful interviewing will be essential in order for you to lock in an offer.

Interview Etiquette – Manners, Meals, and Interviewing
Good manners may give you the edge over another candidate, so, if you’re eating and interviewing at the same time, take some time to brush up your dining …

How to Dress for an Interview
How to dress for a job interview – the appropriate attire for an interview for employment.

Illegal Interview Questions
Federal and state laws prohibit prospective employers from asking certain questions that are not related to the job they are hiring for.

Informational Interview
Informational Interview: How to conduct an informational interview, who to ask, and how it can help your job search.

The list does not end here. Oh no. The page only ends here. And there are thousands of pages that will successfully teach you on how to make an interview.

Today I was in a meeting with a few CEOs of the Irish companies. Just kicking of a new joint venture project. Some of them I did not have a chance to meet before. A quick round of presentations and the networking occurred in some 30 minutes before the main project meeting. It was crystal clear to everyone who will enjoy working with whom, who respect whom (more),… With just a few questions and answers each we interviewed each other. I bet no one have read the well written guides on how to approach the interview. But we all did well. Simple because it was done in the in a most relaxed atmosphere, without a pressure to excel.

My advice for the interview is just: Be yourself!

Blogs Jobs Recruitment Search Engine – First job application sent to the Employer!

Well it was only about 30 hours ago, when we announced The Launch of the Job Site, and we have just sent the first application to the Recruiter!!!

There are a few milestones in the development of the jobs site:

Uploading the site to the Internet so that it is visible to everyone.
Publishing your first jobs
Inviting other employers to publish jobs
Sending your first application
The first contact from an employer interested in advertising
The first returning customer
The first approach by the competition, (another job board) testing waters, and checking how are you doing
The first approach from the buyer
SALE!!! is about 30 hours old now. We have done almost half of the list above! :)


New Recruitment Web Site Launch: RSS!

How do you launch a recruitment web (a job board) site in Ireland?

The Traditional (offline) way

You ring everyone you know. You get everyone you can get to ring everyone they know. You get your PR going., You send email with the announcement and the invite to the launch party to all your customers. And partners. Everyone!!!

What is the result? You get a few (and a half) jobs advertisers by some young and naive recruiters or employers. You don’t really get job hunters on your site.

Obviously with a couple (and a half) of jobs advertised only, you cannot really call it a job board, especially since not a decent application went through yet. You have more recruiters visiting than job hunters.

You failed.

Soft Launch

But you are the entrepreneur. You bounce back!!! You recognise our failure, and just rename it to the ‘Soft Launch’. To potentially give you an opportunity to do it again. When you learn how to do it. Or get money from someone to do it right.

Harsh Reality

You want to give your job site another go, and realise that the marketing budget should include a bit more than a cocktail sausages on a Launch Party. There is a need for the whole range of the activities, and all of those are online activities:

  • Pay Per Click advertising with Google AdWords?
  • Is that for you? No! It’s far too dear to pay an euro for a single visitor!!!

  • Search Engine optimisation?
  • To pay an enormous daily rate to that agency or a consultant who will just tell us that we need to spend even more money?

  • Social Networking?
  • We don’t have time to write blogs! We don’t have them to read other blogs and comment and engage in the conversations!

  • Social Bookmarking?
  • – ok, if you understand what this means in the online recruitment context, your knowledge is far above the average recruiter today.

    The scenario above happens every month in Ireland since I am in this business. A new job boards are popping up like mushrooms. Most of us do not hear of them really. Since they never do much but the ‘Launch’ thing above.

    I did the opposite today. I launched I did not tell anyone about it. Never will actually. I will probably NEVER ADVERTISE the new job site. No press releases. No unbiased articles in the Sunday Business Post. Those that actually cost you ¼ of a page in the Recruitment Section. is born today! It’s official!!! :)

    Blogs Google Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine SEO SERP

    Google AdWords in Recruitment?

    Google AdWords was good!

    Years ago I was preaching to the recruiters in Ireland to start using Google AdWords. The cost per click (CPC) was literally a few cents. The early adopters really drove massive traffic, and relevant traffic to their web sites. I remember my own – and how easy was it to purchase a thousand visitors a day. We experimented a lot and found that the best click trough and the conversion rate on our web site was for the AdWords Campaigns linking directly to a job just advertised.

    Today the scenario is the opposite.

    Google AdWords is bad!

    Cost per click started grooving from the day one. It was just a question of time when will it all stop making sense. In the late 2007, when CPC reached the 1 Euro, a lot of people started revaluating their Google AdWords accounts and rethinking if that spend still makes sense. A large number of advertisers stopped their accounts or limited their budgets. The results are that the CPC stabilised for a time. It took some time to get used to pay over a euro for a visitor. Advertisers got used to it, and the price is soaring up again.

    So why is paying a single 1 Euro per job hunter bad for your business?

    Well simply because you could be paying about half by purchasing your traffic from other sources. Call today for details: 01 440 1900!


    Why should you not trust Google?

    We got used to bugs in all the software products. We have all experienced a programs that would suddenly freeze, or even a whole computers brought to the halt. Google is nothing more than a program on a computer. And as any program on any computer, it can be wrong, and be very wrong actually.

    What is Google actually?

    Google is an indexing software. It looks (reads actually) at a web pages and stores their content in its database. With its content stored it analyses the content taken from those web sites, and assigns each page and web site a relevant keywords. Google determines the keywords by their occurrence(s) on the web page. So when a user does a search Google will be able to quickly display the relevant pages for that keyword. It will not have to scan all the pages, it just looks into its index.

    Google is also trying to tell us as much as it can about those search results really. Google wants to be informative. Therefore next to the search results, Google also places a link with a text ‘Similar pages’. The idea is that if a user does not like this result, but is interested in the topic, could drill down into the related pages here.

    Google also show the ‘Age’ of an entry in its search results pages. So when it can Google will show when was some result entered in its database. Google currently shows the age only for the content that is submitted by the Google XML Sitemap or that is ‘PINGed’. And here is where Google gets it all wrong….

    Here is just one example:

    I have made a blog about the Jobs in IT in Ireland. The Idea was to list all the Irish IT Jobs on one place. I have put it under the domain When I was about done I submitted it to Google. And the spider come, indexed the content and started showing it. The new content is submitted every few hours, as a new jobs are posted. And here is where Google got the times all wrong.

    The time next to the search result that Google shows is – the date 8th April.


    The content that the page in the Google index shows is from the 3rd of April.


    I do know that the content is actually being published there on an hourly basis, so the page in the Google index if it would have really been from the 8th would have the content from the 8th or in worst case some of it from teh 7th if the snapshot was taken in the early morning. But Google is showing the content from the 3rd and dating the same content as it is of the 8th. This is where Google got it’s dating all wrong.

    Do you still trust Google?

    As any other piece of software, it has bugs. Bugs do get fixed in most cases when they get fined. The point is that Google as any piece of software has a long list of problems and con not be totally trusted.


    Barry’s Blog: Improve Your Job Advert Rankings

    Barry’s Blog: Improve Your Job Advert Rankings, based on the web site statistics.

    Google Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine SEO

    Job Search Keywords

    Publishing a job advertisement on the web strongly benefits from the search engine optimisation of the jobs post itself. Regardless of the job board you are publishing your job you will definitely get more applications if you apply the search engine optimisation techniques to your job advertisement.

    How to optimise your jobs postings for the search engines?

    There is very little that a job board will let you control on the web page where your job is advertised. The only element of the page that you can control is the text on the page. You cannot do much with the URL, Title, Meta,… it is on the job board staff to worry about that. You control the text. ‘The Content’. And you know what the search engine optimisation specialists say? They say: ‘The Content is the King!’. What is the importance of content in the search engine optimisation? Well search engine optimisation is actually all about the content. Search engines actually do not do much but read, analyse and index the content on the web pages. If your content is original and relevant to the particular term, a search engine will display your page in the listings for the search phrases your content is about.

    But what we forget to write in the content is what people are actually searching for. When writing a job specification for the job advertisement we forget to actually mention the word ‘Job’. I the same time we are trying to attract someone looking for a job. We do know that when someone is looking for a new job, that is exactly what he will write down in the search engine, the word job or jobs. In the same time when writing a online job advertisement we co rarely put a word job or jobs in it. In fact the job boards themselves tell us to put a whole list of other words, but not to mention a most important word jobs?

    Just remember, you are advertising a job!!!

    For any search engine to consider your job posting worth displaying in the search ranking pages you have to use the word ‘jobs’ frequently in your job advertisement!

    Jobs Recruitment Down Today is down (offline) the whole day today. Since the downtime came completely unannounced to the clients, it makes you wonder how ‘planned’ the downtime was. Especially in the light of the being hacked last week, let’s just hope is done for some other reason than a security breach….

    CV CV Database Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency Search Engine Hacked

    When there is a very negative press articles about our competition, we decided not to comment them. Here s one from the Irish Times, about the Web site being hacked. It happened to Monster and only a few months ago. And now is hacked as well. Unfortunately the bad news like this are damaging he industry. Here goes the full story about web site hacked:

    Hackers access information sent to Irish jobs agency
    PERSONAL INFORMATION supplied by job applicants to online recruitment agency has been illegally accessed by internet hackers, writes Olivia Kelly.
    CVs submitted by the applicants were downloaded in bulk through a non-Irish web address last Thursday. would not say how many of its clients had been affected, but said it had now fixed the security breach.
    The clients whose information was taken are at risk from identity fraud and “phishing”, where criminals, often posing as a well-known, legitimate company, use the information gleaned to try to extract further personal and financial information from their victims.
    It is understood that the hackers used an illegally obtained log-in and password given to employers who are registered with to access the job applications area of the site. They then downloaded personal information from CVs submitted, along with job applications.
    Most of the stolen information relates to archive CVs rather than those of people now looking for jobs.
    The company, which is owned by businessman Denis O’Brien, has in recent days contacted those affected to warn them of the possibility that they may receive e-mails from people using their information.
    “All of the people affected have been contacted and informed of the situation. We have urged them to exercise extra vigilance with inbound e-mails in the coming weeks to ensure online security,” a spokeswoman said.
    The company has informed the Data Protection Commissioner but will not be informing the relevant policing authorities until it has identified which country the hackers’ web address originated in. was still investigating this issue, the spokeswoman said last night.
    Clients of the website affected by the breach received an e-mail last Friday from Huw Taylor of, bringing their attention to a “security breach” that occurred the previous evening.
    “Although this breach was identified and stopped quickly, a small number of CVs were illegally downloaded. Unfortunately, your CV was one of the records taken.
    “I understand and apologise for the concern this will cause you, and I want to assure you that we are taking steps to prevent this happening again,” the e-mail continued.
    It urged clients not to give any personal information until it had been established the contact was legitimate; never to give out personal banking information; not to share passwords with anyone; and not to open e-mail attachments if the client was suspicious, especially .exe files.
    Victims of the security breach who contacted The Irish Times said they had “grave concerns” in relation to their exposure to identity theft., one of the State’s largest recruitment sites, said it had never before had such a breach.
    The security breach follows the recent launch by Minister for Communications Eamon Ryan of the “makeITsecure” campaign designed to combat phishing.
    © 2008 The Irish Times

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    WordPress 2.5

    WorPress 2.5 is released!

    It will take some time to get familiar with the updated WordPress 2.5 administration menus all changed. It looks a bit better in the Admin menu really. A bit more professional. But if it is a more useful GUI, I am not convinced jet. Perhaps it’s a bit early to judge. Let’s give it some time. One thing is true – WordPress 2.5 (admin) looks nicer!

    All major plugins work even without deactivating them before the Wordperss 2.5 upgrade. The One Click Upgrade for Plugins, is a nice idea but it requires the FTP location of the new plugin, and that is something I could not find on any single plugin download page today. I checked about 20 plugin ‘Home Pages’, but none contained the FTP info required for the One Click Update of the plugin.

    No new themes in the default installation of WordPress 2.5…. pity. They might think about a downloadable Theme Pack or something… The way Themes are handled today is not really a simple solution for non technical users.

    Hey, you can change the color of the header (if you use Kubrik Theme)…. Well I did. I have changed me header! :)

    And that is the only visual update on the after the WordPress 2.5 update. The fancy color of the header. That’s it!

    Search Engine SEO

    How do people search?

    Interesting statistics published by OneStat:

    How do people search?

    The 7 most used word phrases in search engines on the web are:

    1. 2 word phrases 32.58%
    2. 3 word phrase 25.61%
    3. 1 word phrases 19.02%
    4. 4 word phrases 12.83%
    5. 5 word phrases 5.64%
    6. 6 word phrases 2.32%
    7. 7 word phrases 0.98%

    Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency SEO

    ‘Long Tail’ Search Results in the Irish Recruitment Industry

    What is the ‘Long Tail’ search result?

    According to HitTail (a nice online SEO tool), the Long Tail is an economic concept that says the collective demand for less-popular items can exceed all the most popular added together. So, long tail search is about using terms related to your prime search terms that will individually cause less search hits but collectively increase your search hits. Get it?

    Long Tail Search Results - RED is people search for 'Jobs' while GREEN is people search ing with the long search phrases like: 'multilingual sales representative'

    The opposite of the ‘Log tail’ is the ‘Short tail’. Short tail search result listing in the Irish online recruitment industry is your site ranked for the single word (like ‘Jobs’) or simple phrases (like ‘Cork Jobs’). Long tail example is a visitor that came to your site by searching for: “multilingual sales representative”:

    … or even longer search phrase, hence the name ‘Lon Tail’ search phrase result.

    The importance of ranking the recruitment web site in the ‘Long Tail’ search engine results is absolutely huge. That is the fact. Here is why:

    The better the job hunter ‘describes’ the job he is looking for in the search engine the more relevant candidate you are getting to apply for your jobs. Increasing the quality of the applications for your jobs will bring benefit to almost all steps in your selection and recruitment process.

    This is where it gets ‘unexpected’! The logic says that since less people are using the long search phrases while searching for jobs, there should not be MORE applications from the Long Tail results than from the listing for the short broad terms like ‘Jobs’. The reality is the opposite, simply because of the sheer QUANTITY of the Long Tail search phrases. The total amount of the applications for the long tail search phrases will ALWAYS be higher that the applications that came for the broad search terms.

    Conclusion on the Long Tail search phrases in the Irish recruitment:
    By listing your site high for the long and descriptive search phrases will bring you the best candidates in the largest volumes.

    Sounds like a dream? And jet it’s sooo doable!

    Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency SEO

    Win a Free SEO Web Site Review Service

    Are you an Irish Recruitment Agency? If so – read on! There is a freebie for you here!

    There is the ‘Hard to Believe’ fact that not a single Recruitment Agency web site have ever managed to appear on the first page in for the simple search phrase ‘Jobs’. Basically here:

    One would think – it is a budget problem. If there is enough job boards pumping enough money in the search engine optimisation, they will fill the top ten slots, and there is no place for the recruitment agencies there. But anyone who knows anything about recruitment industry in Ireland knows well that Ireland is too small to host ten strong generalist job boards that would compete for so strong and broad search term like ‘Jobs’. The marketing budgets of the top 10 recruitment agencies dwarfs the total revenue of some of those job sites listed there on the first page in Google for ‘Jobs’.

    I have always wanted to put an Irish recruitment agency there on the first page in Google for the word ‘Jobs’. I never hided that ambition.

    So in partnership with the SEO Consultant, I am offering a FREE SEO Web Site Review Service to all recruitment agencies in Ireland. First comes first served. The SEO Web Site Review Service is a first step towards listing your recruitment web site on the first page in Google for the word ‘Jobs’. You need to take the first step to reach your goa and rank your recruitment web site high. So sign in for the free SEO Web Site Review Service today!

    How to get the Free SEO Web Site Review Service – just request it in the Comments section below.

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