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Irish Jobs Sites – what’s in the bag for 2014?

The recession had a very negative effect on the Irish job board industry. All the job boards are struggling. The number of jobs advertised in the last 5 years is lower than the number of jobs advertised in a single year before the recession. All that is really happening in the jobs board space are sites that really never get any mileage. Most just lack the innovation really. Publishing and marketing a jobs board in 2014 and using the marketing channels of the ’90-es, does not work as well.

Job Aggregators in Ireland

The recession brought aggregators to Ireland. Those have a benefit of a low marketing cost, so the recession suites them. They all work in some or another freemium model. The easy adoption is fuelled by the fact no manual work or investment is required from the employers. It costs nothing so why not? In Ireland, especially in the recession, we learned to like the “free”!


There isn’t a month that a new Irish aggregator job site isn’t published. As an employer, they email you with the link to their site that is full of jobs. You might even find your own ones, although those might be the ones you had advertised on some job site a year ago. Those sites are usually low-cost web sites with about a penny invested in the design. They usually contain links to their supposedly social media profiles. By clicking on those you will most likely find that they have about 1 (or even not even that!), followers, likes, etc. The one I got today called – took their ignorance to the new level and didn’t even make the social media profiles they are linking to from their page. All those are the sites bound to disappear in the darkness of the Big Data on the internet. Never to be found by the search engines or the visitors. Their business model is based on spamming the employers and job seekers, with an aim to sell anything on top of their fermium model. Quite often they are passing off as a known job site, in this case, sounds like the by SAON Group. Some employers might be fooled and actually end up paying them thinking they are paying a known job board, with over 10 years in existence.

International Aggregator job sites

The largest international aggregator job site that shored in Ireland is, of course, Is it profitable here in Ireland? I am guessing not. Do they care about it? I am guessing not as well. By having their presence in Ireland they are probably using Ireland as the rest of the internationals, paying their taxes here, or .. ehm,… avoiding to do so as to do Google, Apple, and the rest of the US gang here.

What is next for the Irish job sites?

It really depends on how the Irish economy develops in the years to come. If the recession continues, it is unlikely for any new job site to appear, and it effectively means a Status Quo. A handful of the leading sites will still be here, not turning any or turning a minimal profit. The shortage of proper advertising budgets will benefit those scammers and imposters. On the other hand, if the economy turns around, and especially if it does so rapidly (oh how we all wish that to happen!?), the new doors will open. There will be space for innovation. There will be space for the entrepreneurial spirit and new projects to be launched in this space. That is simply because there is no model that actually works well for everyone in the online recruitment today. LinkedIn, we know now isn’t the answer for most jobs. Neither is a traditional job site like IrishJobs. Monster changes so many times lately that I do not know what it is any more (but a CV database)? BranchOut and all those apps sitting on top of Facebook simply do not deliver anything to anyone. We need something new for the future. What do you think it is?

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Enterprise Ireland must think it has a jobs board?

Someone was quite imaginative in Enterprise Ireland and have decided to put an end into the growing problems of Irish start-ups. How to stimulate growth and rapid expansion? If you can hire new staff easily it will help!

To enable this hyper-growth of Irish start-up the Enterprise Ireland have decided to help them do just that – by creating a jobs board! Like his country doesn’t have enough of them. And guess what – vast majority of them are struggling.

its_happening_hereIT’s Happening Here – is the Enterprise Ireland’s answer to the recruitment and staffing problems in Ireland. A job board. But not just like any other job board guys…

Enterprise Ireland is a state-funded company, so they had funds (yours and mine tax pays that) to make it done right. So unlike all the Irish jobs sites that popped up in the last years and failed to get any traction Enterprise Ireland did it very differently. They made sure their job site will stand out!

And it does. One of the features stands out more than the rest actually and it’s the:


Yes since they are not for profit they can do anything they want with their price. But here is the interesting twist. No, they didn’t make it free to use. Not, that would not really make a good story. They made the job site that is the most expensive!

€500 to advertise a job on Enterprise Ireland web site!

And guess what, they are not even sure if that includes VAT or not. Seriously. I asked. I was told that if I proceed with the registration it will tell me then.

God Bless Enterprise Ireland! What would we be without them…

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CareerZoo Careers and jobs fair

During the Celtic Tiger years and later in the recession the careers and jobs fairs do not seem to be going away. People talk about job boards (going away) and social networks, but there was a tremendous buzz yesterday over the weekend in The Mansion House. In fact so much so that the cue to enter was at some stages all the way to the St. Stephens Green. And rightly so!

The exhibitors list was great. There have been jobs in plenty of sectors. From the general feeling browsing around, I couldn’t help the feeling that the IT sector, in particular, is buzzing like crazy. Plenty of companies to choose from, and not all of them in Dublin’s Silicon Docklands. Plenty of new ‘faces’ as well this year. Gamin sector with their nice stands and of course Twitter. Twitter in fact deserves a special mention since they are the first company that brought T-shirts back into the goodies and did not even bother with the usual pens, etc.

Besides plenty of employers, there was a long list of universities as well as showcasing their educational programmes. It made me think that it would have been a perfect opportunity to lock all the exhibitors in the room, without any visitors, and let them make sure that the training courses and programmes on offer actually do produce the skillset the other side – the employers currently have, and will have in the future. It could be organised as the half day conference with the roundtable at the end. It would benefit both sides, the education sector and the employers, and most of all the job seekers. Note that in the recent pols 70% employers in the IT sector stated that they are aware they will have to look outside of Ireland for their staff needs in 2012.

CareerZoo was a truly great event that will definitely help match a lot of employers and job seekers. Talking to the company representatives and HR managers, every single one of them I spoke to have been happy with the response. The quantity was there definitely. Judging by the excitement of the recruiters – the quality was there as well!

The directors of CareerZoo Brian Ó hOisín and Jackie Slattery have done an excellent job once again!

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Monster CV database vs. LinkedIn free Public Profiles

For the most European recruiters Monster used to perform the best as the CV database. The quality of candidates was on average higher than the average quality of the applicant who would apply on a job site in. Monster advertised this as a ‘Passive Candidate’ as opposed to the ‘Active Candidate’. They claimed that a CV is their database represents professionals that are in a search of their career progression (passive) as opposed to the unemployed person who is simply looking for a job (active).

LinkedIn came into the picture and have let anyone create a free personal ‘Professional Profile’ on their site. In the years to come the LinkedIn recruitment social network web site grew at a fast pace and the inevitable has come true – it’s number of users profiles outgrew the size of the Monsters CV database. Each day passing that difference is growing rapidly. LinkedIn is rapidly expanding while the number of CV’s in the Monster’s CV database in most cases does not grow at all.

Monetisation of the CV database

While Monster still uses the ‘old fashioned’ model in selling access to the CV database and charging per certain number of CV’s downloaded, LinkedIn sells you their packages where your credits are number of internal messages in the LinkedIn web site you can send to the potential contacts. Both approaches have their advantages. With a Monster subscription you actually end up with a few good CV’s. That is if you figure out how to use their CV search and do not waste all your credits in the process. LinkedIn on the other hand lets you see far greater amount of candidates. Again it is all up to you if you will find a way how to interact with them and intrigue them to engage with you via that brief message you can to a few them. More often than not a recruiter ends up with nothing at the end of the LinkedIn subscription. No CV’s added to the internal database or any other longer term value.

So Monster or LinkedIn?

There is no clear answer. There is far more recruiters who are proficient in searching the Monster CV database. For them it is hard to go wrong on Monster. LinkedIn recruitment packages have a far greater failure rate. Quite often a recruiter will after the subscription activation ask – What exactly is the difference between the free and this paid account?

There is a third option there as well. As opposed the investment into Monster or LinkedIn, you can also invest in yourself by getting yourself trained into what is mostly referred to Boolean Sourcing techniques. You can teach yourself by reading various resources online, or get the course that will bring you up to speed within a day! The result is that you have the whole LinkedIn opened in front of you without the limitations their recruitment packages are putting in front of you. If you are into the recruitment for a long haul – that is the best route for sure.

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INTERVIEW with Robert McGonnell, founder of the new Irish video recruitment web site:

How did you come to the idea of starting the site (tell us about yourself here a bit)?
My background is primarily recruitment orientated having managed a busy Sales & Marketing desk in a Dublin based agency and having dealt with some major market leading FMCG companies. I also worked as a Grade IV Office in St. James’ Hospital in Dublin where I was responsible for the wage processing and recruitment administration of over 400 Nurses, Attendants and Clinical Nurse Managers. But my work history has also included employment in the high end equine breeding industry, motor vehicle sales and tourism so I guess I like the challenges that a bit of variety can throw at you. This experience coupled with an academic business grounding from the Michael Smurfit Business School in Blackrock had the cogs turning in my brain about how to deconstruct and re-approach the online recruitment business model.

What was the gap that you found out in the crowded market of job sites in Ireland?
Basically I found that many of the mainstream recruitment websites in Ireland offered very little differentiation and I wanted to launch a recruitment site that had a “help-centric” focus. I decided to focus on presenting an alternative website that offered a benefit for both job seekers and employers.
Granted the mainstream recruitment websites in Ireland are well established and have thousands of registered users, high traffic volumes, brand recognition etc but in many ways they’re just a talent swamp. The main problems I identified; if I as a candidate upload my CV on one of these websites it’s tricky to stand out from the crowd and get noticed which ultimately translates to a reduced likelihood of securing an interview/job. A CV can’t effectively demonstrate how a candidate may present, give an indication of their personality, communication skills etc. offers candidates the opportunity to upload a 60 second Introductory Video Profile to accompany their standard CV application. A Video Profile gives a candidate an opportunity to bring their CV to life and give a personal touch to their job application.
The main benefit of a Video Profile as an employer is this. If a recruiter posts a job they’re likely to receive dozens if not hundreds of applications with limited tools to rank or select according to suitability. It can sometimes be a gamble when inviting candidates to interview based on their CV/cover letter alone which can often lead to disappointment and time waste. A 60 second Video Profile is in no way meant to replace a face to face interview but is intended to be a useful stepping stone by providing a recruiter with an immediate online first impression prior to interview stage.

Unique selling proposition?
The Video Profile feature coupled with’s help-centric focus could save could save time, cost and effort for everyone involved in the recruitment process.

What is the intended route to market?
Mostly online advertising with planned radio advertising, “grabvertising” and guerrilla marketing campaigns planned for the New Year 2012.

Monetisation strategy?
The website’s build has been self-funded with a zero debt policy. It’s meant having to live like a bit of a hermit over the past year but I’m confident this sacrifice will pay off in the long run. I plan to introduce an online payment system on the site where recruiters/employers can choose an advertising package that matches their requirements. For the time being though I’d like to invite all first time advertisers to a FREE trial of the site. Simply register on and we’ll help you find new staff for the Christmas rush or New Year 2012… no fee, no charge, no catch or tie-in, 100% FREE. Contact me at for info.

How are you finding it so far?
It’s been a big learning curve as is my first venture but the experience I’ve gained is amazing and will stand to me in the long term. Right now I’m looking forward to earning a reputation as a mainstream recruitment website in Ireland.

What do recruiters say?
The feedback I’ve receive has been very positive however there’s always going to be some reluctance and hence persuasion involved as it’s a brand new website. Recruiters are especially interested in the potential time save that Video Profiles could result in as they would reduce the reliance on having to conduct preliminary screening interviews.

What do job seekers say?
Ok, to put this question another way…’Why would a job seeker be bothered creating a Video Profile?’ I think this would’ve been a tricky question to answer a couple of years ago but essentially now job seekers really should be prepared to try any means possible to get their application noticed. The instance of the ‘Jobless Paddy’ during the summer highlights the extreme lengths some candidates are willing to go too just to get noticed. Couple this reality with the spread of tech savvy knowledge regarding online social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, Twitter, MySpace etc and I think it’s reasonable to say that a large section of job seekers should be perfectly capable to record a 60 second video profile on a webcam and follow the instructions for uploading it on!
The candidate will find helpful tips and guidelines on creating a Video Profile on the homepage. The merits of a Video Profile basically allow a candidate to back up any claims made in a CV, for instance if they say they have effective communication skills or fluent French the video permits them with an outlet to validate those claims. The jobseeker can also select the level of privacy for their Video Profile/CV on their private account.
A Video Profile is generally new territory for job seekers in Ireland. However recruitment is going to move more and more in this direction in the future and the feedback that I’ve receive so far has been very positive.

What re the next steps?’s focus is to offer a help-centric approach to online recruitment in Ireland. The Video Profile is the first step. plans to introduce innovative new features and solutions on an incrementally basis as the site goes from strength to strength so stay tuned.

What are the next milestones?’s mission is to become a mainstream online recruitment solution in Ireland. However there’s no sense in having an unrealistic expectation that that sort of milestone is going to be achieved without a lot of hard work. So for the time being it’s going to be baby steps, the 1000th registered candidate isn’t far off now so that would be a mini triumph.

Where do you see it in a year?
I see a well-recognised brand within recruitment circles and a cost effective online recruitment solution for employers.
I also see Video Profile’s as a more accepted standard of job application method for job seekers.

How do you see the online recruitment market evolving in Ireland?
10 years ago the majority of CV’s/job applications were sent in the post, that’s pretty much unheard of today as job applications are mostly done online now. So I think recruitment in Ireland is sure to move further into the realm of online technology and social media platforms in the future. Taking this into account I think virtual interviews and ready to view Video Profiles will become standard practice.

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Searching for a developer, looking at client success stories I found an interesting video recruitment site. Here is a full case study from a web developer about it.

Client background
Bee Interviewed Limited is in the business of online recruitment. They are innovative and always look for smart solutions to the job portal market. They started a project in which the conventional CV would not play any major role. Instead they wanted to use Video technology to integrate with candidate profile. This would give the employer to see and evaluate a candidate on various soft skills.

The challenges
The need was to develop an interactive platform whereby both employers and candidates have the best solution concerning jobs. The market is flooded with job portals, and it was no easy task to spearhead the competition unless some innovative techniques are provided that result in more effective evaluation of the candidate by employers. A video profile system creation is the absolute solution towards judging ability of the candidate in a more distinct way.

eCeltic’s Solution
Vintavu was developed for creating an interactive job vacancy form for candidates. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies. It focuses on the Graduate and Pre-Graduate candidate with career experience.
On the whole the objective of the project is to enable jobseekers to place their resumes and companies to publish their vacancies. It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes. Apart from this there will be an admin module for the administrator to make changes to the database content.

Vintavu application is the recruitment process to suit the modern jobs marketplace.
Job seekers- Job seeker, who is searching for job can enter the website, they can register and build their resume for free of cost.
Employers – The employer can enter the website & create their own account for free of cost. They can post job & search employee database.
Admin- The full control over the users & their functions

Technology used
.Net, C#, ASP.NET, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, On2 Flix Publisher

The development of job portal benefited in more ways than one.

    • Quick search through numerous candidates and explore their capabilities.
    • Video profiles offer the leading edge to gain insight into candidate’s abilities.
    • Employers content with shortlisted candidates.
    • Short listing the right employee is not cumbersome anymore.
    • Great save on time and money.
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Morgan McKinley Enables Job Seekers To Apply With LinkedIn

Morgan McKinley is the first Irish recruitment company that have enabled job seekers to apply to their jobs via the Apply with LinkedIn plugin from LinkedIn. After talking to recruiters in Morgan McKinley they say that it does have a drawback because they do not get the applicant’s CV but just a link to the LinkedIn profile.

But Morgan McKinley might me one something much larger here actually. The Apply with LinkedIn button solves one problem that always puzzled me. And that was the applications from the mobile devices? Ireland mobile users are predominantly iPhone 4 users. And guess what – in the iPhone you cannot apply to a job on a web site. Uploading of a CV is not supported. So with all this tremendous growth of the mobile smartphone (or not so smart!?) web traffic the only conversion one could achieve is to make job seekers email themselves with a link to the job advertised, and deal with it later on, on the PC. And that we know is pure rubbish of a process. Having a button that sends a recruiter your LinkedIn profile instantly – and all that with a single click (well two actually) sounds much better to me.

Morgan McKinley being ranked as a second highest ranking recruitment agency in Ireland by Alexa has a significant traffic on their site. We are not talking hundreds a day any more for a long time now. There is most likely still a single digit percentage of the mobile visitors, but that will grow to double digit figure in the next year as well. Without the Apply with LinkedIn button – they would not get a single interaction from all those mobile users.

Well done Morgan McKinley!

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CPLJobs Mobile Recruitment Application

Cpljobs have just launched Ireland’s first FREE job search App. Whether you’re an active job hunter or just keeping an eye on the market, the Cpljobs app is perfect for you.

Key Features:

  •  Search 100’s of jobs by location and industry
  • Create an account and set up Job Alerts that suit you
  • Ability to save and email jobs
  • Apply directly for jobs through the app

This app makes the difficult task of finding a new job so much easier.
Download it now for Free!

If you would like to speak to a consultant to help you with your search, call us today!
01 614 6000

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Review: LinkedIn Job Seeker Account Upgrade

LinkedIn is the No. 1 Recruitment Social Recruitment Network in the world. That is the fact. There is no one in the recruitment social networking space that managed to do anything similar on the global space. And there is no shortage of well-funded start-ups who would love to take a bite at that business. When you think online social recruitment – you think of LinkedIn.

I tested the paid Job Seeker Account in the last 30 days, and published my findings in the blog post at the Irish Recruiter blog on LinkedIn Job Seeker Account.

CV CV Database Internet Job Site Recruitment Hacked!

Why hacking a job site?

Job sites collect CVs that contain tons of personal data. When you ring your bank, or a credit card company, they will at some stage ask you for your address. They might ask you for your email address as well. Your landline or your mobile number. All that plus tons of the personal data in contained within the CV. That makes a CV database a perfect tool used for phishing attempts. Note that a person looking for a job is not in the best moments of his life, and hence vulnerable. Receiving a call from someone pretending he is a recruiter who just received a really good CV, when you do not have a job, people will answer all kind of questions that enable scammers to gather even more data that is on the original CV submitted.

Jobs sites get hacked often

In fact, job sites are one of the top types of the web sites that are likely to get hacked. The worst part is that job sites do not get hacked ‘for fun’, for some hacker or a hacking team to showcase their hacking skills, and replace the Home Page with some funny (or not so funny!) message, but for a very ‘commercial’ reason. Job sites never end up showing a hackers message instead of the Home Page, but instead only the data – the CV’s are stolen while the site itself keeps attracting the fresh candidates applications with their fresh CV’s. You can look at even right now – it does not say anything on the home page about being hacked at all!

Irish Times has an article today with an interesting question raised in their article of the being hacked:

“The attackers have already been arrested and a file sent to the DPP. If this is the case, when did the breach originally occur and why did it take so long to notify those impacted?”

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The Unforgettable Candidate – You’re Hired

The Unforgettable Candidate – You’re Hired a presentaton and photos of by Peter Cosgrove, Director of Cpl alongside Professor Ian Robertson, neuroscientist from Trinity College Dublin in Paccar theatre in the Science GalleryDublin.


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Facebook or Print ads?

Ivan Andrija Stojanovic, Head of Online, CPL Osijek CroatiaWill you advertise on Facebook or in the traditional proven media like newspapers or radio?

I was talking to some postgraduate business and IT students (Overeducated and under experienced for Jobs of tomorrow) and asked them who has the Facebook account. I wanted to show how deep the Facebook penetration actually is. I got more hands up than that I could count. So I reversed the question – and asked who doesn’t have or didn’t use his Facebook account in the last week. I have 3 hands up. In the group of 80 people.

I asked them if they bought papers (any papers) in the last 7 days. Two bought local classified advertising paper looking for flats to rent. One bought photo magazine and one other bout a gardening magazine. Same 80 people.

All are postgraduate students, and all are looking at the job market. All are exactly those you will want to target with your jobs advertisements. So where will you advertise?

To look into it even further – the question is how will you actually advertise there. Facebook and LinkedIN will gladly take your money. Since those are ‘Cash Hungry’ businesses. Twitter and most other social networks do not provide a facility where you can just bluntly dump your advertising budget. It is a known fact that the proper ‘usage’ of a social networking site will give you far better results that advertising on the same site. Painfully small is a list of jobs filled from the advertisements on Facebook or LinkedIN. The way one sources the candies from the Social Networking sites is by constant branding, inbound marketing, networking – all the opposites from classical advertising.

Facebook seems like the best place to invest 90% of your recruitment marketing budget from todays perspective. Tomorrow? Ahh… it will probably change again… Just remember, it will never be the same as it once was, and the wheel will never start turning back. Where you will invest next year, is most likely into something that does not even exist today.

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Career Zoo

Looking for a job, internship, work placement, course, or starting your business? Career Zoo as the name says will have all you need to do any of that there for you. And what is the best, it is free. There are some great speakers like Peter and Paul there as well, that I can highly recommend!

Unfortunatelly the Career Zoo site does not display the schedule who is speaking when and about what. I know Paul is speaking about How to get a job without a CV. But when.. is the enigma to me.

It is a day before the exhibition, and the Career Zoo site just reads:

An exciting schedule of seminars will be posted on our website early next week so please check back in.

Well next week is after the Career Zoo exhibition, isn’t it?

Anyway, here are the all the details I could find on the web site:

Grab Your Career by the Horns at Career Zoo
The Round Room at The Mansion House, Dawson St., Dublin 2.
Saturday 15th Jan: 11am – 6pm
Sunday 16th Jan: 11am – 5pm

Get ready for the career event of 2011 for experienced professionals and graduates who are considering upskilling, retraining or exploring new career opportunities.

Meet leading employers with real career opportunities
Explore thousands of courses including cert, diploma, degree, postgrad and masters. Talk to leading course providers and get clear information in an accessible and friendly environment
Employment growth sectors – what are they and how to prepare for them
Discover work placements, internships and volunteering positions
Career Clinic – get free advice from recruitment experts (click here)
Start Your Own Business – how to become a successful entrepreneur

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When do job hunters apply for jobs?

Blue Monday allegedly the most depressive day in the year that falls on the fourth Monday of January is a strong contender that everyone thinks of the day the most people will start searching or apply for a new job. But the statistical data is actually very different. By looking at tens of various recruitment sites, job boards and HR sites of employers, the actually data the most applications come to all the recruiters is the first working Friday of the year. This year 2011, it was the Friday January 7th.

So why are people most likely to send their job application on the first working Friday in the Year? Is it New Year’s Resolutions? Are we just fed up with our work, and decide to do something about it when we came back from the Christmas holidays?

Are employers hesitating to let people go before het Christmas, and break the news in the first week back to work – so people actually get fired on that first working Friday. There is no such jobs news to support it, but then again negative news on the jobs front rarely get to the press anyway.

As a job hunter, if you have sent your application on the first working Friday of the year – you might want to check with the recruiter, since your CV got there in the worst possible time for you – the largest possible amount of the competition of job hunters are applying for the same jobs you are.

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September records highest number of new jobs in Ireland in 2009

Premier Group Irish Employment Monitor:

The Premier Group Irish Employment Monitor, which measures the pulse of the Irish professional jobs market, registered a 31% increase in the number of new professional roles coming onto the market during September 09 versus the previous month (August 09). This was the highest number of new professional job vacancies recorded in any one month so far this year.

  • During September 09, the volume of new professional job opportunities within Ireland increased 31% compared with August 09 to 4,764. This was the highest number recorded in any one month so far this year.
  • However, this was still 58% fewer new roles than a year ago (September 08)
  • The number of professionals who began their search for a new role during September 09 rose 55% versus the previous month (August 09).
  • This was a drop of 28% compared to the same month the previous year (September 08).

Read the full press release and Jobs Ireland Blog.

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