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Irish Jobs Sites – what’s in the bag for 2014?

The recession had a very negative effect on the Irish job board industry. All the job boards are struggling. The number of jobs advertised in the last 5 years is lower than the number of jobs advertised in a single year before the recession. All that is really happening in the jobs board space are sites that really never get any mileage. Most just lack the innovation really. Publishing and marketing a jobs board in 2014 and using the marketing channels of the ’90-es, does not work as well.

Job Aggregators in Ireland

The recession brought aggregators to Ireland. Those have a benefit of a low marketing cost, so the recession suites them. They all work in some or another freemium model. The easy adoption is fuelled by the fact no manual work or investment is required from the employers. It costs nothing so why not? In Ireland, especially in the recession, we learned to like the “free”!


There isn’t a month that a new Irish aggregator job site isn’t published. As an employer, they email you with the link to their site that is full of jobs. You might even find your own ones, although those might be the ones you had advertised on some job site a year ago. Those sites are usually low-cost web sites with about a penny invested in the design. They usually contain links to their supposedly social media profiles. By clicking on those you will most likely find that they have about 1 (or even not even that!), followers, likes, etc. The one I got today called – took their ignorance to the new level and didn’t even make the social media profiles they are linking to from their page. All those are the sites bound to disappear in the darkness of the Big Data on the internet. Never to be found by the search engines or the visitors. Their business model is based on spamming the employers and job seekers, with an aim to sell anything on top of their fermium model. Quite often they are passing off as a known job site, in this case, sounds like the by SAON Group. Some employers might be fooled and actually end up paying them thinking they are paying a known job board, with over 10 years in existence.

International Aggregator job sites

The largest international aggregator job site that shored in Ireland is, of course, Is it profitable here in Ireland? I am guessing not. Do they care about it? I am guessing not as well. By having their presence in Ireland they are probably using Ireland as the rest of the internationals, paying their taxes here, or .. ehm,… avoiding to do so as to do Google, Apple, and the rest of the US gang here.

What is next for the Irish job sites?

It really depends on how the Irish economy develops in the years to come. If the recession continues, it is unlikely for any new job site to appear, and it effectively means a Status Quo. A handful of the leading sites will still be here, not turning any or turning a minimal profit. The shortage of proper advertising budgets will benefit those scammers and imposters. On the other hand, if the economy turns around, and especially if it does so rapidly (oh how we all wish that to happen!?), the new doors will open. There will be space for innovation. There will be space for the entrepreneurial spirit and new projects to be launched in this space. That is simply because there is no model that actually works well for everyone in the online recruitment today. LinkedIn, we know now isn’t the answer for most jobs. Neither is a traditional job site like IrishJobs. Monster changes so many times lately that I do not know what it is any more (but a CV database)? BranchOut and all those apps sitting on top of Facebook simply do not deliver anything to anyone. We need something new for the future. What do you think it is?

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LinkedIn Is A Great Tool For Recruitment

Some people say that LinkedIn is just a job board dressed up in a social media dress. I tend to disagree. In the same time, if you don’t know how to use LinkedIn, I completely understand your frustration. LinkedIn for you really might be just another job board. The fact that some people use it “better” than you, will mean that your applicant’s response will be lower than on any other good job board. Candidates simply rarely apply for jobs on LinkedIn. They do all other things but Apply for the jobs advertised.

The first thing stopping you to hire on LinkedIn is your small reach.

With up to 500 contacts, you are scraping the barrel really. You might as well just leave LinkedIn alone. Depending on the size of your market or your niche, to recruit in LinkedIn you really need to have access to thousands of people. Candidates AND clients.

LinkedIn Premium is a great product for a recruiter. In most cases you will need the “Full Network Visibility”, so the Talent Finder and Talent Pro are the versions you should consider. The Only difference is the double number of inmails you can send at a time.

There are also a number of advocates of using LinkedIn for recruitment without any subscription. I have seen that work, but realistically for a very small number of people. Why? It requires investment in time that a very few recruiters have. Building a network of thousands of very, very targeted contacts is hard and time-consuming.

Here is a live example that shows you the power of your LinkedIn network and reach.

LinkedIn Update Reach

A simple LinkedIn update in the first 24 hours got:
2433 views, 47 likes, 2 comments

Now let’s analyze the views:

  • 789 views are from the 1st connections – people I am connected with
  • 1342 views are from the 2nd connections – people my connections are connected with.
  • 305 views – are from the 3rd connections – and you know who those are by now! 

What this shows us is that my update was seen by more people I am not connected on LinkedIn than those I am connected to. The same goes for the Likes and the Comments actually.

The size of your network and the quality of your update will determine how many “eyes” will you get on it.

On social networks you actually have to behave quite social.

Only if you intend to be successful, that is.

Time is the most determining factor for most people when choosing if to use LinkedIn free or paid accounts. It is a bit like SEO and PPC. If you want to get instant results the paid account is the best for you. If you have been using LinkedIn for years, and have thousands of very targeted people you are connected to you will most likely get away without paying for your LinkedIn account.

Whatever way you decide to use LinkedIn, I can tell you only one thing: LinkedIn is a great tool for recruitment!

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Is Phone interview enough? LinkedIn poll suggests…

The responses to the recent poll on LinkedIn:

When presented with a good IT candidate not available locally, would you do the phone interview?

Show that the phone interview is the way to start the interviewing process. Still, the majority of the recruiters would fly the top candidate in for the last round of the interview before the job offer is made.

You can see the results and put your vote here:

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Recruitment Advertising Workshop

Great Recruitment Advertising Workshop event organised by Stephen Harrington Recruitment Manager: Sales | Marketing | Multi-Lingual @ Allen Recruitment. Here is the original announcement:

When and Where:
Aviva Stadium, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4 – Vavasour Suite, registration at main reception.
Wednesday 24th April, from 8.45 to 11.30am
Enter via entrance A on Lansdowne Road
Car park is situated on Lansdowne Road

Who is attending?
Confirmed attendees include Jonathan Campbell (Social Talent), James Mailley (Monster), Jennifer Bray Kennedy (TMP), Ivan Stojanovic (, Lynne Rooney (LinkedIn) and many more from many or Irelands best known companies.

The Format
We will run two sessions, in each one there will be four discussions happening at the same time. There will be no presentations, each discussion will be started by the discussion leader but after that, the conversation will go where ever the participants want it to. You can join in at any time by providing details of your own experiences or asking questions. If you find that one discussion is not so relevant to you, you can simply get up and join another one mid-way through!

The agenda:

8.45-9.10 Registration, Tea/Coffee and Pastries

9.10-9.20 Welcome by Brian Cunningham, MD Allen Recruitment

Session 1

Job Boards
When to use job boards, which ones should you use, quality applicant’s v quantity, filtering applicants?
Career Websites
Effectively advertising on your own careers site, employer branding, SEO, getting candidates on to your site
Alternatives to advertising
Searching for candidates directly (Boolean, xray etc), referrals, networking, job board databases
Start your own discussion
This is a break out area where anyone is free to start another topic that is relevant to them!


Session 2

Job Boards
Getting the most from these, how people find jobs on job boards, getting your jobs to the top of the lists
Advertising Master class
How to measure success, getting your adverts noticed, the psychology behind advertising, what we can take from advertising in other industries and apply to recruitment.
Referral’s and Networking
Referrals, Networking, social networks & Talent Pooling
Start your own discussion
This is a break out area where anyone is free to start another topic that is relevant to them!

Well done again and thanks for the Allen Recruitment “cube”!

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How to use LinkedIn Skills Endorsements for Recruitment?

How to make sense of the LinkedIn Skills Endorsements?

LinkedIn Skills Endorsements is not the first time the Skills have been implemented as a part of a personal LinkedIn Profile. Some iterations had a self-scoring of out to 5 or 10 skills. Then just a pure 50 word skills. The current way the skills are implemented is by far the best I the whole history of LinkedIn! Why?


What you say about yourself in your LinkedIn profile if more often than not a TRUE reflection of you. Your LinkedIn profile as your CV or a resume is a reflection of the portion of you that you want to show to the hiring manager of your next dream job. If that is not the case, we need to talk about it!

What your LinkedIn connections tell about you, by clicking on your Skills listed tells a whole different picture about you. In most cases the far more accurate one than the rest of your LinkedIn Profile.

How to use LinkedIn Skills Endorsements for Recruitment?

The challenge is to assess what endorsements are really valid ones, and what ones are the result of the gamification LinkedIn have created in this Skills environment. What it means is that all the skills endorsements are not the same (value).

Here is How to analyse the value of the LinkedIn Endorsement

It is quite similar to the Google PageRank algorithm actually. The more people have endorsed my skill “X”, the more valuable is my endorsement given to someone else for the same skill. Why? The more endorsements I got for a certain skill, the more likely is that I actually know about it. The more I know about the skill the more valid my endorsement for the same skill is.

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Recruiting a Pope on LinkedIn

An interesting job post I Stumbled Upon,… (not really, I saw it on Mashable). It is for a Pope. Is it a good job spec? I’ll let you be the judge of it yourself:

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New LinkedIn Profile is good (for Recruiters)!

The LinkedIn haven’t really updated the Profile section for far too long time. It becomes a bit archaic in fact, so a new profile is really welcome. It is far easier to read and more importantly scan, as we consume the web sites. It also tells you far more about the person than the any older LinkedIn Profile version did.

One feature that really helps the recruiter to assess the potential candidate from his LinkedIn profile is the ability to quickly assess the candidate’s connections. You have a choice to display the connections by:

  • Company
  • School
  • Location
  • Industry

By looking at the graphical representation of your LinkedIn connections grouped by and industry the recruiter can quickly get what type of people the candidate is connected to on the social network.

It tells a lot about the person when you can see what schools are the people his connections are from. What companies do the candidate’s contacts work for is priceless. Location and industry profiles of the candidates LinkedIn contacts just add to the complete picture of a candidate.

All this data combined gives you very quickly a profile of the candidate’s connections. This data can help a recruiter profile a candidate much better than by just looking at a very static data, a document like a CV or the (old) LinkedIn profile.

Where LinkedIn could improve the display is in including what the number represents as opposed to displaying just the number of the connections in each group. It is annoying to have to put a mouse over each circle to find out what company or country the contacts are from. A tag cloud would be far more usefully display. A company name printed and on mouse over the exact number of the connections in that company? Would you agree?

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What is The Recruitment Unconference?

What is a recruitment conference? We all know the answer to that. It is a large meeting where a number of people (one by one) speak to the group. There are short breaks in between speakers, for the people get a coffee and network.

Who comes to the conference?

Speakers – are people presenting. Salespeople presenting how their solutions, products or services changed the industry for the better.

Delegates – people who sit, listen, take notes and have coffee in the breaks. Delegates are quite often people who are looking for a new job. They look around what else is there. Some attendees are there because they are sent there by their employers. They have to attend one or two of those a year. You can see them leaving quickly after the last presentation, to catch some time off for an afternoon shopping or something alike.

What is Recruitment Unconference?

Recruitment Unconference is a gathering of recruiters with the social media rules applied. There are no speakers. There are no delegates. Just recruiters who can behave as they do in the social media: lead conversations, contribute, listen, move to another room/topic, network or just have a coffee. Yes, there is a coffee here as well!

It is list Facebook or Twitter really. Everyone can talk about anything they want to really. Everyone can listen (follow/connect) whoever they choose. Anyone can comment, contribute and even ‘take over’ the conversation. Anyone can change the topic. Anyone can. And everyone is invited to do exactly that! Everyone is asked to contribute. Everyone’s opinion is asked for in a discussion on every topic he is physically present at.

Now that we know what the Recruitment Unconference is, let’s check on how the most popular one actually functions in the recruitment industry. This brings us to its founder @BillBoorman and his unconference events taking place around the globe. They are called TRU for The Recruitment Unconference. After the three characters, there is a name of the city or country the event is in. So you have TRULondon, TRUDublin and similar. If an event is held multiple times in the same city the name also gets a number Like TruDublin4. This is to form a hashtag for Twiter. Why is Twitter important? Well, the usual ways of communication like email and phone are one to one or one to many (mailing lists). The Unconference is different because everyone is welcomed to contribute. So social media is a place to look for any info (or post any info!) about the recruitment unconference.

Since the recruiters who attend the unconference are (in most cases) the natural users of the social media, they post their thoughts especially on the Twitter, as it is the fastest channel, in real-time during the unconference. They all use the hashtag so it is really simple to follow what anyone is tweeting about. That usually is a reflection on what is spoken about. You can usually follow multiple discussions from the same conference at the same time. What is the best about it is that anyone on Twitter can contribute to those discussions by using the same unconference hashtag. This makes the discussions leave the room and go out to social media. There the discussions get the life of their own.

The format that Bill has made for this TRU events is the following. There is a quick opening. The bigger the conference the quicker it is, since the larger the crowd is the harder it is to keep them quiet. Remember those are not your Delegates. These people are here to participate.


Bill usually announces the tracks (topics) that will be discussed in different rooms. He also announces who is the track leader for each topic. That is usually an expert in that field. Or a recruiter who wants to share the recent experience with some new tool used for the recruitment, and ask for feedback. Depending on the size of the unconference there are usually 3 tracks running in parallel. They are held in separate rooms. Anyone can choose any track and even move to another track whenever they choose. Bill himself would for example move quite often from a track to track, hopping from a conversation to another and contributing to each one he hops in. Sometimes he would also bring the relevant points being made in another track that is happening in parallel.

As social media is not for everyone, the recruitment unconference is not for everyone as well. Some people prefer to be delegates rather than to participate. Social is not for everyone. The anti-social or traditional conference is not for everyone as well. People discovered they can apply the social media rules to the conference and that some types of conferences the social conference or the unconference is a much better format. Hence the recruitment unconference TRU that @BillBoorman started 5 years ago in London has spread to a long list of counties on different continents. Recruiters themselves found the unconference format to work better than the speaker-delegate format. Not all of the recruiters that is. But the recruiters that understood the social media and found the way how to use it for recruitment.

The #TRU in the City near YOU!

The recruitment unconference, the #TRU will come to the city near you if it didn’t already. You will not find a flyer in your post with a list of fabulous speakers. There is not even a list of delegates. To be honest not even flashing your own business card is a welcome gesture. Connection on LinkedIn and Facebook or Follow on Twitter is on the other hand. If you are a delegate type, trust me, it’s not for you. Where you will find about #TRU is in the social media channels, and there only. On Bill’s Blog as well. And from there to hashtags on Twitter. While I am writing this the #TruHelsinki is on right now. Guess what it is all on social media in real-time as well. You can follow it here:!/search/?q=%23TruHelsinki&src=hash.

If you like what you see there we will see you soon at #TRU. If not, that’s OK too.

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Top Referrers to

Top Referrers to

  1. – 276 Visits
  2. – 82 Visits
  3. – 22 Visits
  4. – 18 Visits
  5. – 15 Visits
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LinkedIn: Follow a company button

If you are still wondering why have you placed the Facebook ‘Like’ button on your home page this will be interesting for you!

If at some stage you got bored checking how many Facebook ‘Likes’ your page got and you have offered an iPhone draw when you reach 10 000 ‘Likes’ this is even more relevant for you.

Remember that job site dressed in the social network that has sent you those nice young people to show their fabulous Recruiter Package? The one that cost more than your total advertising budget? Well, they would like you to place their button on your Home Page. And guess what they do not want to you pay for advertising them on your home page. They want to help you get more followers on their platform. Why? So that they can sell those to you. In a lovely Linkedin Recruiter Package.

LinkedIn Follow Button

Quite a strange sales model from LinkedIn, isn’t it?

Google did something similar some 6 months ago asking all web site owners to put a ‘Google+’ Button. Blogs accepted it because of the simplicity of installation of it. Does it drive any substantial traffic or bring any other benefit? Well no.

Do you think web sites will not get the LinkedIn Follow button?

If you decide to place a LinkedIn Follow button on your page, here are the three nice formats you can choose from:

Will LinkedIn Follow button slow your web site? Yes.
Does the speed of the site affect the site ranking in Google? Yes.
Will you site drop in Google index because you have placed a LinkedIn Follow button. Yes, a bit.

I have to admit the ‘Like’ from Facebook was more original than any of the copycats. They could have really come up with something better in all this time!

Career Jobs LinkedIN Recruitment

Richard Bruton, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation interested in career opportunities

It is not that often that LinkedIn makes me laugh. But today it did! After accepting a connection request from a friend LinkedIn displayed a list of people I should connect to. Great and handy feature from LinkedIn. On the first page, there was one I recognised. But not from real life but from the TV screen. It was Richard Bruton, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. I instantly felt good that LinkedIn thinks I am so important that I should link with a Minister in the Irish Government. And not just any minister, but a minister for Jobs. Since I work in recruitment for more than 10 years, there actually is a merit in that connection.

Anyway, I clicked on the photo to see the full LinkedIn profile of Richard Bruton who LinkedIn recommended I should connect with. I was scanning the profile – searching for the email address that (as usual!) wasn’t on the profile page. Fortunately googling the name and the title brought me to the page where I could get Richard’s email. But one thing caught my eye at the bottom of his LinkedIn profile.

Contact Richard for:
• career opportunities
• consulting offers
• new ventures
• job inquiries
• expertise requests
• business deals
• reference requests
• getting back in touch

There I had to notice that it is a bit funny that the Minister for Jobs is also interested in the career opportunities himself?!

I have sent MR Bruton an invitation as LinkedIn suggested, and of course, mentioned that it could be understood in unexpected ways that he is interested in the career opportunities while having the ‘Minister for Jobs’ title.

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Ivan Stojanovic interviewed for the Irish Executives (LinkedIn Group): Inspire Ireland award 2011

Jobs Board got shortlisted for the Irish executives Inspire Ireland 2011 Award. 7 of us got shortlisted and one after another we presented our business plans to the Irish Executives judges today. It was an online event. Video conferencing was used that connected us all. I never presented a business plan to a camera as opposed to the live audience in front of me so it was a bit strange doing it the first time. The video quality regardless of how good it is, still makes it harder to ‘read’ your audience. You do not see those fine details of their facial expressions. Also, you only see the part of the body that the camera is capturing. I only realised all that at the end of the conference, since although I ‘saw’ the recipient, I could not really confidently say how good did the whole presentation actually work. Was it all convincing? I am not sure actually.

Ivan Stojanovic interviewed for the Irish Executives (LinkedIn Group) Inspire Ireland award 2011

The format is also distracting a bit because the PowerPoint presentation has to be managed by a precise click on the screen, as opposed to the clicker. This makes you look for a second or two at the screen as opposed at the camera, and being aware it does not look right on the other end it made me uncomfortable a bit. A hint if you are developing a video conferencing software. Make sure people can use the keyboard or the clicker for their PowerPoint presentations as opposed to some super small arrow buttons on the screen.

Being shortlisted for the Irish Recruiters Inspire Ireland Award is probably the best thing that could happen to so early in its lifetime. The only better thing would be to actually win the Award! The publicity is what it is all about, and a recognition by the very high-level judging panel.

I wish all the best to all other participants, especially those that got shortlisted and interviewed today with me. Regardless of the end results being shortlisted is an achievement we should all be proud of. Let the best man win tomorrow!

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Monster CV database vs. LinkedIn free Public Profiles

For the most European recruiters Monster used to perform the best as the CV database. The quality of candidates was on average higher than the average quality of the applicant who would apply on a job site in. Monster advertised this as a ‘Passive Candidate’ as opposed to the ‘Active Candidate’. They claimed that a CV is their database represents professionals that are in a search of their career progression (passive) as opposed to the unemployed person who is simply looking for a job (active).

LinkedIn came into the picture and have let anyone create a free personal ‘Professional Profile’ on their site. In the years to come the LinkedIn recruitment social network web site grew at a fast pace and the inevitable has come true – it’s number of users profiles outgrew the size of the Monsters CV database. Each day passing that difference is growing rapidly. LinkedIn is rapidly expanding while the number of CV’s in the Monster’s CV database in most cases does not grow at all.

Monetisation of the CV database

While Monster still uses the ‘old fashioned’ model in selling access to the CV database and charging per certain number of CV’s downloaded, LinkedIn sells you their packages where your credits are number of internal messages in the LinkedIn web site you can send to the potential contacts. Both approaches have their advantages. With a Monster subscription you actually end up with a few good CV’s. That is if you figure out how to use their CV search and do not waste all your credits in the process. LinkedIn on the other hand lets you see far greater amount of candidates. Again it is all up to you if you will find a way how to interact with them and intrigue them to engage with you via that brief message you can to a few them. More often than not a recruiter ends up with nothing at the end of the LinkedIn subscription. No CV’s added to the internal database or any other longer term value.

So Monster or LinkedIn?

There is no clear answer. There is far more recruiters who are proficient in searching the Monster CV database. For them it is hard to go wrong on Monster. LinkedIn recruitment packages have a far greater failure rate. Quite often a recruiter will after the subscription activation ask – What exactly is the difference between the free and this paid account?

There is a third option there as well. As opposed the investment into Monster or LinkedIn, you can also invest in yourself by getting yourself trained into what is mostly referred to Boolean Sourcing techniques. You can teach yourself by reading various resources online, or get the course that will bring you up to speed within a day! The result is that you have the whole LinkedIn opened in front of you without the limitations their recruitment packages are putting in front of you. If you are into the recruitment for a long haul – that is the best route for sure.

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Press Release: NRF Awards Winners 2011

Press Release NRF Awards Winners 2011

NRF in association with Irish Independent

Parc Aviation “FLY AWAY” with 4 awards at NRF Recruitment Industry Awards 2011
Parc Aviation scooped the best agency of the year award for large agency whilst Recruitment Plus scored Best Small Agency for the 2nd year in row, at the 5th annual recruitment awards which took place on Friday evening, (25th November 2011) at a gala awards ceremonyin The Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin. This was the biggest event ever held by the NRF with more than 320 attendees at the Ceremony which was presented by RTE’s Pamela Flood.
Robert Walters clinched the award for Best Agency Online Service for the second year running whilst Careers Register won the Accountancy and Finance category for ‘Best in Practice’.
Parc Aviation and Recruitment Plus were hailed by the judges as ‘leaders in their industry’. The judges found them to ‘have clear roadmaps of where they want to be, their commitment to the customer came across very strongly and they are completely in touch in what is required of them. Staff retention is testament to what they have achieved and in both cases professionalism has shone through’.
Parc Aviation got off to a winning start from the beginning of the night. First up to the winning podium for Parc Aviation was Nikki King who was awarded one of the coveted Graduate of the year awards.  Also receiving recognition in the ‘Best in Practice’ category they won Best in Practice Technical, Engineering & Science and the Best Practice in “Specialism” Awards.
Sigmar’s Peter Nunan was awarded Recruitment Consultant of the year narrowly beating off stiff competition from the other 6 shortlisted nominees who were,Grafton Recruitment’s Kevin Clarke, Lisa Collins from Hays, Sandra Mc Guirk from Parc, Lisa Russell from Servisource, Louise Delany from Quest Recruitment and Karen Kavanagh from Noel Recruitment. Sigmar were also awarded Best in Practice Sales & Marketing for the 2nd year running whilst Shaun O’ Shea was another winner of the Graduate of the Year award.
Servisource took the Best in Practice “Healthcare” and O’Reilly Recruitment took the Best in Practice “Light Industrial”.
CPL was awarded Best in Practice “IT & Telecoms” and Misty Plotner received a winner award for Graduate of the year.
Osborne Recruitment took the Best in Practice “Office & Secretarial” and Joanne Murray received a graduate of the year winners’ award.
Noel Recruitment took the Best in practice Hotel & Catering for the 4th year running and Karen Kavanagh took a winner award for Graduate of the year.
Designed to identify and reward excellence in recruitment in Ireland, the initiative was open to all NRF members and judged by an independent panel.
  • BEST IN PRACTICE – HOTEL & CATERING – Noel Recruitment
  • BEST IN PRACTICE – In a Specialism– Parc Aviation
  • AGENCY OF THE YEAR – SMALL – Recruitment Plus
·         AGENCY OF THE YEAR – LARGE – Parc Aviation
·         NRF Cert RP Graduates of the year – Karen Kavanagh Noel Recruitment, Nikki King Parc Aviation, Joanne Murray Osborne Recruitment, Misty Plotner CPL and Shaun O’Shea Sigmar Recruitment.
The panel of judges were; Tony Lambert – CEO, Fingal Chamber of Commerce, Patrick Meehan, Invictus Management, Gillian Econopouly, Recruitment Employment Confederation UK, and the online award was judged by Sorcha Corcoran of Silicon Republic. Chairperson of the Judging Panel, Tony Lambert told the delegates how challenging it was for the adjudicators to elect a winner in a lot of categories. Not only had the volume of entries increased on every other year since the awards began but the sheer quality and outstanding excellence was evident in all applications. To be on the shortlists this year was in itself an achievement.
NRF President Mr. Colin Donnery (FRS Recruitment), “It was a fantastic celebration of our industry and the industry should be proud of all it has achieved over what has been another hard and turbulent year for some. Resilience and determination has shone through and this was echoed by the number of entries to this years awards and the turn out at the ceremony. The atmosphere in the room was one of great camaraderie and respect amongst our industry.”
The NRF also awarded Mary B Cremin with an Honorary Fellowship Award. Director of NRF Geraldine King gave the delegates a little bit of history of how Mary came to be one of the most respected names in the Industry. Even though she is now retired her reputation and her passion for excellence will always be remembered.
The National Recruitment Federation is a voluntary organisation set up to establish and maintain standards and codes of practice for the recruitment industry. Representing member companies throughout Ireland the NRF focuses its attentions on providing these members who have opted for self-regulation with the best possible service in terms of communication, support, advice sharing and problem solving.
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The National Recruitment Federation will hold it’s fifth Recruitment Industry Awards tomorrow #NRF11 is sponsoring the
National Recruitment Federation’s Recruitment Industry Awards. Here is the Irish Independent Appointments page today:

The National Recruitment Federation 5th Recruitment Industry Awards - Click for a full size image

320 people are expected making it the largest NRF event ever (at least that that I can remember). I am excited about presenting the award to the Best Recruitment Agency.

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