CV CV Database Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment

Enterprise Ireland must think it has a jobs board?

Someone was quite imaginative in Enterprise Ireland and have decided to put an end into the growing problems of Irish start-ups. How to stimulate growth and rapid expansion? If you can hire new staff easily it will help!

To enable this hyper-growth of Irish start-up the Enterprise Ireland have decided to help them do just that – by creating a jobs board! Like his country doesn’t have enough of them. And guess what – vast majority of them are struggling.

its_happening_hereIT’s Happening Here – is the Enterprise Ireland’s answer to the recruitment and staffing problems in Ireland. A job board. But not just like any other job board guys…

Enterprise Ireland is a state-funded company, so they had funds (yours and mine tax pays that) to make it done right. So unlike all the Irish jobs sites that popped up in the last years and failed to get any traction Enterprise Ireland did it very differently. They made sure their job site will stand out!

And it does. One of the features stands out more than the rest actually and it’s the:


Yes since they are not for profit they can do anything they want with their price. But here is the interesting twist. No, they didn’t make it free to use. Not, that would not really make a good story. They made the job site that is the most expensive!

€500 to advertise a job on Enterprise Ireland web site!

And guess what, they are not even sure if that includes VAT or not. Seriously. I asked. I was told that if I proceed with the registration it will tell me then.

God Bless Enterprise Ireland! What would we be without them…

Career Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Search Engine will let you find the job 3 times faster than Irish Jobs site! will let you wind the page 3 times faster than Irish Jobs site!

There is plenty of job sites in Ireland. Each of them has plenty of jobs. Most of the jobs are the same on the job sites. So what site to choose? Perhaps the one with the most jobs? Perhaps the one you find shows the best results? Jobs most relevant to you? Jobs advertised by the employers you like? There is plenty of choices when it comes to job sites in Ireland.

There is one thing to consider. It is the speed of the job site. If you visit it regularly, the more important it is. Will you wait for 10 seconds to see the jobs you want? Will you wait for 10 seconds every time you visit the site? Not if you can avoid it, and not if there are faster sites that will let you browse or search the jobs a few times quicker.

Here is the sample of the and web sites. The speed load comparison is done by

Why wait for your job forever? Visit today and register for the daily new jobs now!

Career Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency

Advertised jobs numbers comparison

Here is a list of jobs advertised on the leading Irish job sites and the recruitment agency web sites.

Job Boards
Irish Jobs 12253
Recruit Ireland 3350
Monster 2969
Jobs 2800
Irish Times 1883
Employ Ireland 1339

Recruitment Agencies
CPL 1340
Brightwater 1291
Morgan McKinley 1178
Sigmar 671
Stelfox 627
Grafton 228
Manpower 183

Irish Jobs has by far the largest number of jobs. Actually they have about 10 times more jobs than the average competing Irish job site. Is there really that much jobs? Is that a real success story? When the numbers are so much off the scale, it always stinks a bit. Especially knowing that they own the site that does so badly on the jobs numbers compared to the main site.

On the recruitment agency side there is a tight race at the top. CPL still has it top spot, while surprisingly a small company Brightwater is in second. They show more jobs on their site than a much larger company Morgan McKinley that is on the third spot. Are Brightwater really working as Busy Bees? Are they really filling 5 times more roles than companies like Grafton or Manpower? Again quite unlikely. Same as Irish Jobs web site above, the number are again just very off the chart.

Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment

Advertise with

Jet another Irish job site is born. You know how I love those!

The difference that brings to the Irish jobs advertising marketplace is… Well let me be fair and let them explain it in their own words. Here is from their ‘Advertise with us’ page:

Advertise with us
If you are looking to reach a wide audience via relevant fully branded advertising then CVRecruit could be the site for you. With a large database of both employee and employer/agency users CVRecruit works by providing a cost efficient HR solution for those looking to find staff. It also allows potential candidates to upload their CV’s for the attention of employees, for free.

Through advertisement on CVRecruit you will be able to begin networking via cost effective banner ads throughout our site and system.

The full branding of your business can be expressed through banner ads viewed by hundreds of users. You will receive free links to your business website which will gain international exposure.

If you wish to project a professional image of your business to a varied professional audience (both employers and employees) we promise to help make this happen for you, with dedicated support at all times. We also offer affiliate business possibilities for those interested increase your business levels today by advertising with us !!

At CVRecruit we are also launching a new service, TV, using the latest software this will allow advertisers and employers to create relevant and targeted videos or text ads to be viewed by CVRecruit users in the latest and most advanced media styles , high impact and outstanding visuals will get your service and products featured in high definition on our site take a look at the cvrecruit tv link we believe this will gain you great exposure in an explosive new way also incredibly cost effective

Also our search engine optimisation team will make your wording reach the correct audience you seek and not waste time with irrelevant audiences you are our priority !

So if I am not wrong, the differentiator is that this site will have a good SEO team making sure you do not get wrong applicants, and there is also some kind of video involved here. Kinda alike CVEye, Sonru, CVizz or other video CV sites that popped up lately in Ireland.


Irish Jobs feeling the heat from Facebook

The social media is leaving scars on the traditional advertising models. How your brand is represented on Facebook is far more important than the article in Irish Times. Why? Simply because of it far greater reach. Far more people read Facebook than Irish Times. Far, far more, and the gap is getting bigger each day.

In recruitment the social media is finding it’s place, and Irish Jobs Sites feel it on their skin. A dozen of small job boards simply vanished during the last year. The big national ones are in the panic mode. Here is the sample from Irish Jobs, how they are reacting to the recruiters and candidates embracing he social media sites, and just leaving their web site. They publish a survey that shows people spend tons of time on Facebook, and less on LinkedIn and Twitter. But they take a protectionist view to try to save their (extincting) industry. So they say that the social media sites, with Facebok leading the game actually costs Irish industry – since people hang out on Facebook as opposed to work. Here is their story:

Findings from’s social networking at work survey

Ninety per cent of all respondents said they used Facebook in general, while 39pc visit YouTube and 15pc use Twitter.
The survey found that workers were against the idea of banning these sites at work. Some 77pc were in favour of some sort of access to them during working hours.
More than half of the respondents felt they are just as productive as ever and 7pc feel that social networking sites make them more productive.
The 7pc claim that short breaks to check these sites help them concentrate better when they returned to work.
Five per cent of respondents claimed they were less productive, as they were constantly distracted.
It was also revealed that large companies were more inclined to have a social networking usage policy during work hours, with 58pc of those within these companies confirming it.
Usage among employees in these companies was lower, with 43pc logging onto social networking during work hours.
Some 27pc of SME employees said their workplace has a social networking policy and as a result, 55pc of employees admitted to using these services at work.

What this press release is supposed to achieve is a knee jerk reaction from the directors and business owners – to shut down access to Facebok (please correct me if I am wrong here)! It is the same surfers that Irish Jobs have lost over the last years, that went to Facebook. Facebook is more fun than boring jobs sites. And Irish Jobs and the likes are losing visitors, losing advertisers, and the revenue. Their business model is actually quite ‘Last Century’ really. And with no future. And it is a hard fact to swallow! Hence the scare tactics here by the Irish Jobs marketing gurus.

Interview Job Site Jobs Recruitment – Interview with Derek O’Neill

Derek O'Neill from Text a Job ( I had a chance to talk to Derek O’Neill about his new recruitment web site launched recently It is a first Irish site to offer a free jobs advertising to employers, and charges job hunters for receiving the job advertisements via the SMS messages. Here is what Derek has to say:

1. is a first mobile recruitment application in Ireland. The BETA was released a few months ago. How is Ireland embracing it? Is Ireland ready for Mobile Recruitment?

Job seekers and employers alike seem to be embracing the idea without question. This is evident in the 1800 job postings to date, with about 1200 active at the moment. Hundreds of job seekers have signed up before we have even started advertising. We are certain that Ireland is ready for mobile recruitment, especially given where mobile technology is. With WiFi access and large screens the new norm for mobile phones, we are perched to be the first to grab the recruitment market via a mobile platform.

2. The benefits from Employers are obvious – your service is free! What is the take-up like and what are the general trends?
In short it has been fantastic! It has exceeded our expectations by a mile really. What is even more important is that the subscription rate is actually accelerating. We get the same amount of job hunters subscribed in a day now, that it took us a week to get when we started.

3. Jobseekers get the unique service from You simply subscribe and get your offers on your mobile. What was the initial feedback during the BETA period?
We took on board literally tons of constructive feedback and suggestions. The category listing is perhaps the best example – where the job hunters and the employers actually defined it for us in those first few months. The service we provide now is already miles better that what we could achieve on the first day when we launched.

4. How does the competition react? In fact are the traditional Irish jobs sites a competition at all? Is there any competition?
The competition has yet to say anything about us, that we know of! Although we are providing a different kind of way to search for employment and our service is free to employers, our competition is still the likes of,, and your regular job boards such as We are however providing something unique to the Job Seeker, while providing a more organised, cost effective medium for the employers. We are job seeking on the go, getting the information to the candidates for the employer as soon as the job is available.

5. How do you see the economy in Ireland today? Are there sectors clearly out or still deeply affected by the recession?

We feel positive about the economy and like to believe things are on the upswing. We have noticed a bit of a downward trend of using recruitment agencies, while companies are searching direct. In saying that, the recruitment agencies we have contacted seem as busy as ever. We have noticed lack of jobs in the Banking, Tourism & Travel and aviation industries. There is plenty of work in Web development & design, driving, cleaning, and general trades. Then again maybe its just the companies and recruiters we have yet to speak to, only time will tell!

6. What sectors of the industry do you serve the best so far? What sector embraced the new technology and the business model fastest? What sectors are lagging behind?
It is hard to say, it is still early days. We haven’t seen any specific sector pick it up faster than another. All employers are keen to get free advertising of their job postings for free via the website. While professional work is being put up through the website, general work (a days painting or plumbing) is being posted mainly via our quick texting system by texting the word Ad + Job description (160 characters) to 51000 (standard text rates).

7. What’s next for
The launch of our own mobile phone application with 92% mobile phone compatibility across Ireland is what certainly excites us the most. While we are not the market leader in job advertisements, we are the first and only business to provide the service on a mobile platform. We believe mobile phones and all of their technology is the way of the future, and we are successfully leading the recruitment industry in Ireland that way. We want to make sure that if there is a job in Ireland, we send it to the interested job seekers mobiles instantly. Our mobile application will make it easier than ever to receive and apply for relevant jobs instantly without having to use a computer. You will even be able to type a quick cover letter and send your CV which is uploaded to the system when you register.
Personal branding is certainly the next step for us, look out for our radio ads on FM104 and Newstalk.

CV Database Job Site Jobs Recruitment

Free Irish Jobs Sites

There is more than a ten of Irish jobs sites that advertise themselves as free Irish jobs sites. Advertising the jobs is free. Some of them would then try to charge if a recruiter or employer tries to engage with the job candidate, and most of them would just send the job applications and CVs for free to the employers as well.

There are a number of business models here – where if an employer wants’ a extra exposure on the front page, he can pay for that. Or banner advertisement are available, or in most case Google AdSense is there on the site to monetise the web site traffic.

Job Aggregators would even go a step further, where not only that the job publishing is free, but they will also take the jobs directly from your job site for you.

Then there is a few dozen Irish jobs sites that are not really advertising that the job advertising is free, but if you ask nicely, you can get your jobs advertised on them for free with no problem. Those are usually smaller and niche web sites that cannot attract enough web site traffic to be able to charge for it. They usually start with a Free Trial for job advertising for all the employers and recruiters. Then they hope the jobs advertised will build the required amount of job seekers on visiting the site that the job board owners will be able to sell that traffic later on. When that does not happen, and it doesn’t in most cases, the pay per click advertising is usually brought on in the form of Google AdWords to try to keep the job hunters visiting the jobs site. When the budget for that is gone – the job site usually turns silently in the free job board – with some sort of monetising the web site traffic like Google AdSense.

The majority of the Irish Jobs sites end up in this category of free jobs sites – simply because they cannot attract enough job hunters to be attractive enough to the job hunters.

How to find where to advertise your jobs for free?

Search for jobs in Google. When you see a web site with no physical address and just a form to fill to contact them, or a mobile phone – you just found a free jobs site. The exception might be only the site owner is still finding it hard to realise that his jobs site is not really head on with the top Irish jobs sites (as he hoped for) but silently become a free Irish Jobs site.

Internet Job Site Recruitment Social Recruitment

Costs of Jobs Advertising

Irish recruitment websites fall into two groups. First advertise their prices online and others do not. I always wondered why is that?

Here are the prices from the Irish job sites for a single job advertising: – €99
Monster – €99
EmployIreland – €149 (includes CV Database)
LoadzaJobs – €280 – €390
Irish Jobs -€950

The last two sites and Irish Jobs do not have their prices published online. Now I realise why! Those are the two most expensive jobs sites in Ireland. Irish Jobs almost 10 times more expensive than the rest? They must have a really great sales team….

Now in all fairness, in a few minutes on the phone did drop the price to €350 and Irish Jobs gave a whopping €150 discount to a total price of just €800.

Another available option is LinkedIN where you can post a job for €195. With 34 jobs posted for the whole country, it does not seem to be a greatest place to advertise a job. Or a hidden gem?

The cost of job advertisement in Ireland varies greatly. The web sites without the pricing clearly displayed seem to be by far the most expensive. Honestly I do not see how they justify the prices. Also their sales team has to be applauded. They will look for the commitment before close of business at 5PM. They would explain it with some ‘Cut off’ imaginary time for all ads of the day. All in all, serious sales training is involved there, and it’s obvious from the first 30 seconds on the phone – when they avoid telling you the price at all costs.

Job Site Jobs Recruitment Social Recruitment Looks to Rebound in Tough Job Board Climate

Since the economy bottomed out and took scores of Irish jobs with it, purveyors of job boards have seen corporate customers curb or cut contracts at the same time they’ve dealt with an influx of résumé postings from the newly unemployed.

More companies also are adding job postings and career centers to their Web sites, or are using social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for recruiting, which raises the possibility that they won’t go back to previous levels of job board spending once the recession ends.

The result: falling revenue and earnings, as evidenced by publicly traded job boards such as industry leader Monster Worldwide, which in the first half of 2009 lost $11.7 million on revenue of $477.4 million, a 34 percent drop from the same period last year.

Peter Zollman, executive editor of Classified Intelligence, a consulting group that tracks the classified advertising and job board industries, says that while the job board industry has struggled in 2009, some privately held firms may be better positioned to weather the recession.

One such firm…

The above article is actually from:

The second part of the article is less interesting and less relevant for Europe and Ireland in particular. This is my attempt to finish it up:

One such firm is is the only job site in Ireland that hasn’t been letting go it’s staff during the recession.

Irish Jobs lost their largest client – CPL. is selling traffic left right and center. They even implemented Pop Under windows, and that’s surelly the worst marketing practice. RecruitIReland even went free for a the best part of the year to get jobs on their site. Loadza made all kind of experiments like Online Jobs Fair that did not stop clients leaving.

The traffic job boards in Ireland are attracting fell drastically, as well as their revenues in 2009. Most of the jobs sites are actually using Google AdWords PPC to drive traffic, since there is simply not enough ‘organic’ – natural traffic from the search engines.

The fact that the revenues of the Irish job boards will not bounce back up is something all of them are trying to hide. Or they simply live in denial.

Social networks is where the recruitment is turning to and massive job boards will slowly be losing their revenues. Going forward it will not be so rapid as it was in the 2009, but there is less and less advertising revenue available for jobs advertising in the years to come.

Even new jobs sites are not popping up as quick as they did up until just a few months ago. is in the unique position to thrive in the current market. It is agile enough to change with the times. is in its core a technology company The experiments with the recruitment social networks lead to a number of BETA releases like and, and a few international ones.

By running the only Irish real time job posting system, the company is in the unique position to….

I am kind of out of inspiration any more. Just remembered the title of the Recruitment Conference yesterday: The Future of Recruitment … Job boards are less and less part of that future. will lead the way by innovation, and embracing the new ways of doing business in recruitment industry!


Job Shop – Your source for Irish jobs.

jobshopJob Shop – Your source for Irish jobs.

Job Shop is successfully living under the radar (Google) since 2007. The site looks a bit like Loadza Jobs, while the logo has a bit of a Irish Jobs touch.

CV CV Database Internet Recruitment Social Networks Social Recruitment

Irish Jobs beat Worky on pricing

Irish Jobs had the approach ‘If you can’t beat them, buy them!’ for many years now. Then Worky came. With most likely slightly too big price tag for the current market. Remember Worky has the global ambitions.

Worky opened up a new model of sourcing. A Pay as you Go model. You can do what you like, and you pay only when you want to contact the candidate. €20 per contact. Not much for a perfect candidate, wouldn’t you agree?

Well Irish Jobs realised, – Hey we have a bigger database. Thousands of CVs parsed in database. Why don’t we sell that?

Here is what Irish Jobs ofers: is proud to launch our brand new ‘Pay as you go’ CV database system enabling you to cherry pick the candidates you want.

The CV Database has proven to be a highly successful tool for both jobseekers and recruiters. Over 35,000 high calibre candidates across all industry sectors in Ireland have recently uploaded their CV onto and this database is continually growing.

With our CV database you can

-tailor your search requirements by selecting the job category; roles, minimum -experience and salary range, plus include specific keywords.
qu-ickly identify CVs matching your criteria as search results are displayed as a -snapshot overview including the candidate’s objectives
-search for suitable candidates in complete confidentiality – an excellent tool for times when you do not want to advertise a position

With our new ‘pay as you go’ model you only pay for the CVs you pick (Just €15 + VAT per CV).

Get ahead of the competition by targeting quality candidates instantly and efficiently. Check out our database in RMS today.

Kindest Regards,
The Team

I am not sure if that includes a database as well. That would be the first question I would ask.

Then again compared to Worky – Irish Jobs is cheaper. €15 per CV from Irish Jobs, against €20 per contact on Worky.

A leading Irish jobs site and a start-up social network – both charging for selling the private data. I still think it should be free.

Career Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Recruitment Agency

Free Jobs (

Who says there is no such thing as a free lunch?

free-jobsI call from a client today about their jobs being published to made me thinking. Their jobs published on the Free Jobs web site are about 3 years old. They got an application for a job advertised there yesterday. Since my client is using the multiple job posting service eRecruit, as a part of our Recruitment Marketing Manager product, they assumed that eRecruit is supplying the jobs to the Free Jobs web site, as it does to all the Irish Jobs sites (and news sites, and blogs, and niche web sites, etc…). Well in this case this was not the case. We in eRecruit have actually never even heard about a site called Free Jobs before.

So jobs published on Free Jobs web site are taken from somewhere. And published on the Free Jobs web site, without the owner of the content – the advertiser, in this case a recruitment agency knowing about that fact. Three years after that, the advertiser receives the job application. And un unpleasant situation really – how to explain to the poor job hunter that the recruiter quoted on the Free Jobs web site does not work anymore in that recruitment agency? How to explain that the company that was actually hiring does not even exist anymore? How to explain why is the job advertised, and invites the job seeker to reveal quite a lot of his private data (in the CV) for something that is not there? Quite unpleasant, isn’t it?

Well, that is the problem with the things that are free. No one is really responsible for the maintenance or the quality of their service. Sometimes it seems one would be better of paying 1 Euro, or some minimal fee, and receive a guarantee of a quality of service. This provides some revenue to the service provider as well, that helps funding the project. In the same time it gives the user of the service a level of guarantee that the service provided will work well.

I like free things. We all do. But unfortunately there are inherited problems with free services. Free Jobs web site is not the alone in the scenario where a free service of advertising jobs simply failed because of the unsustainable business model.

Blogs Career CV Internet Job Site Jobs Recruitment Career Workshop – €100 only!

I got a mail this morning from web site. They are offering me a 100€ career workshop.


I thought about it during a coffee this morning. Recruit Ireland have changed their model and are offering free advertisements to the Irish employers. Until they fill their books with names, whom to start selling once when the recession is gone. Their prediction is in September. That being September 2009. In the same time Jobs web site is looking for other sources of revenue. And there are the job seekers. With thousands of job seekers on your site daily, why not offer them something, for let’s say,… 100 quid? There certainly is a market for it since we are in the steady double digit unemployment with very little signs of it getting any better anytime soon. With so many people hungry for jobs – why not take a €100 of each? In a form of coaching?


I have to admit, I like the recruit Ireland approach better with their Get Ireland Working campaign. What Jobs site is doing kind of sounds like: Get Ireland Paying. I know, I know. Recruit Ireland is after the same money. They will start charging those employers the moment they can. I just like the Employers paying for the recruitment advertising, not job seekers. I do not think it’s really fair to ask someone looking for a job, especially if unemployed – anything! Not even shaped in the fancy candy bar wrapping of ‘ Career Coaching’.


And no, I am not a socialist.


Here is a full offering from


From: []
Sent: 30 July 2009 09:32
To: irishrecruiter

Subject: Career Workshop – Thursday August 13th. - Jobs in Ireland. Irish Jobs.

Dear Jobseeker,


The Job Market in Ireland has changed dramatically. There are less jobs and increased competition for them. Developing your career including finding the role you want now requires a more dynamic approach to find success.

Jane Downes of Clearview Coaching Group in conjunction with is delighted to announce, due to consistently strong feedback from previous attendees, that the next “Career Workshop” tailor made for this market will take place Thursday August 13th in the Davenport Hotel Dublin 2 at 6pm.

Having completed research into the needs of the sites users, numerous requests were made to create a workshop for job seekers. The good news is that we have now done so and it is to be run by one of Irelands leading on the ground Career Coaching Experts, Jane Downes.

This workshop is suitable for individuals of all levels seeking work, making total career changes or those who need to take stock and effectively plan their next move. It is also an option for an organisation seeking to offer redundancy support to employees.

The workshop will provide its attendees with the opportunity to access expert opinion and advice in the following key areas:

  • An inventory of your own individual transferable skills.
  • An assessment of your own unique personality profile.
  • Learn the 8 key things needed and which will determine and affect your success in career change.
  • CV’s & Cover letters – How to market yourself and give an impressive consistent message.
  • Essential Interviewing skills – How to sell yourself and get more job offers.
  • Job Search Strategies and Planning – get ahead of the rest!

Take away the following from this workshop:

  1. Clarity about where to go next including an assessment of your personality profile.
  2. Renewed confidence about what you have to offer and how to manage your career.
  3. A clear consistent message to offer potential employers.
  4. A polished and dusted off YOU ready to face the market and “go public”.
  5. A workable plan to get you to where you want to be.
  6. Increased momentum and motivation.

Meet the Workshop Facilitator:

Jane Downes is founder of Clearview Coaching Group ( which was established in 2004 following an extensive career working within the area of Executive Search, Recruitment and HR Consulting. Assignments frequently involved carrying out recruitment consulting projects for some of Ireland’s brand name clients. Jane uses this vital experience gained in her Executive and Career coaching sessions with her clients and in her workshops. Jane also co owns Irelands 1st Assessment and Coaching Centre for Emotional Intelligence – Jane regularly writes for the National Press on Career, Motivation & planning and managing yourself within the workplace. Jane is a qualified Life & Business Coach, Career Coach Assessor and licensed Emotional Intellegence Assessor (EQi). She also has a 1st class honours Social Science Degree from UCD and a 1st Class honours Training qualification (NUI).

Limited places available – book today! CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Cost: Your investment for this workshop is €100 (via
Venue: The Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square Dublin 2
Date: Thursday August 13th
Time: 6.00pm – 9.15pm
For further information please email

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Blogs Career CV Job Site Jobs Recruitment

Happy with your Job?

myhorizonlogoA study by Irish jobs website MyHorizon has found that 94 percent of Irish people are not working in their dream job.

The report found that job seekers are willing to take the measures required to change this however, as 60 percent said they would be willing to go back to college to get the training needed to find their dream job. Career guidance had proven to be a problem area for most respondents with 88 percent saying they had received no guidance since leaving second level education.

Google Internet

Silicon Republic review of Jobs Blog

silicon_rep-logo Silicon Republic, Ireland’s leading technology news web site published a nice review of Jobs Blog:

Ivan Stojanovic works in the recruitment industry and operates is where he waxes lyrical on the topic.
He keeps us up to date on the latest seminars, talks, new sites and companies, and tackles issues like ’10 don’ts for job hunters on social
His top tip? Make sure nothing embarrassing shows up when you Google your name.

Thanks Silicon Republic for the nice touch!!!

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