OK, I have a blog now, but….
WordPress is perfect! WordPress is rubbish!
Both is true. Unfortunately. Write down the first post, in the default HTML editor, save the post and all your formatting is gone in your published post. No paragraphs, no lists, no styles, no bolding, nothing. Just one ‘cube’ of characters. Rubbish! – Googleing for the solution will point you to the option in your WordPress Profile to turn off the HTML editor, and the formatting is preserved from now on.
You will find a million little things that simply do not work like you would want them with any ‘out of the box’ blog engine package. I have not published a single post in my ‘Next 22 hours of blogging’, simply because I was choosing a ‘Skin’ or ‘Theme’ as it is called in WordPress. Then, after giving up on Themes, you start installing plugging, and who knows what else. So the next 22 hours are messing with you blog. Familiarising? Is that the better word for it? You can decide for yourself!
Hey, I have my second post!